Stipendium für Jüdische Studien in Stockholm - Aviva - Berlin Online Magazin und Informationsportal für Frauen Juedisches Leben 5/1/5785 - Beitrag vom 10.12.2008

Stipendium für Jüdische Studien in Stockholm

Für ihr einjähriges Studienprogramm bietet das Paideia Europe Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden noch Plätze und Stipendien. Bewerbung bis 15. Januar 2009 möglich.

Paideia invites applications from qualified individuals committed to the revival of European Jewish culture regardless of age, religion, academic background or country of origin. No prior study experience in Jewish text is required.
Communities, institutions and organizations throughout Europe may propose candidates whom they envision filling leadership roles.

The studies at Paideia are tuition free. Paideia students are candidates for student accommodation provided by Paideia and stipends meant to free you from work while participating in the program. Paideia´s number of scholarships is limited. Students who are financially self-sufficient or have external financing will therefore have a better chance of being accepted to the program.

If you are interested in learning more about the program contact at:
If you want to learn more about the program from Paideia alumni in your region, please contact our Alumni Coordinator Fabian Sborovsky at:

Apply now!
Early application for the One Year Jewish Studies Program is open November 15, 2008 - January 15, 2009. Download the application form below and send it to:

For further information please check:

Jüdisches Leben

Beitrag vom 10.12.2008
